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Available in quality paperback and as an ebook, this excellent, vitally needed work addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time
Why has radical Islam become such a deadly threat and why it is so pervasive in the Muslim world? Four decades ago, Tawfik Hamid, then a young medical student, was recruited by Jamaa Islamiya, an Islamic terror group led by Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the man who replaced Osama bin Laden to become the leader of al-Qaeda. Eventually and miraculously, Hamid recognized the insidious nature of violent jihad and rejected its distortions of the Qur'an, the holy book of the Muslim faith. Ever since, he has pursued a path of reformation within Islam by writing new interpretations of the book's key texts and by sharing his message in mosques. Inside Jihad reveals Dr. Hamid's insights about the Islamic terror movement drawn from his personal experiences. Now a medical doctor and a psychologist, he helps readers understand the jihadist mindset. He also explains the meaning of jihad and the role that sex, petrodollars and the hijab for women play in its proliferation. And in Inside Jihad, he details his bold plan to reform Islam to end jihadism and its global reign of terror.
Extraordinary praise for Dr. Hamid and Inside Jihad
"Reformers such as Tawfik Hamid ... must be supported and protected. They should be as well-known as Solzhenitsyn, Sakharov and Havel were in the 1980s." —Ayaan Hirsi Ali "Inside Jihad is terrific! I wish I had read it 15 years ago when we were trying to decipher radical Islam. I would have made it required reading for my Intel colleagues. It is concise, convincing, compelling—and chilling. I also value Inside Jihad so much that I am constantly rereading it. It has become a staple resource kept handy, and I will refer to it regularly in my consulting and speaking events. It is authoritative, definitive and wonderfully politically incorrect." —Porter Goss, former Director of Central Intelligence "Dr. Tawfik Hamid's knowledge about radical Islam is crucial to understanding and defeating it." —Ambassador R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence "Inside Jihad is an important resource for anyone interested in learning about the thought processes of the jihadists. It will provoke needed discussions as it lays out the fundamental differences between the sects and basic tenets of Islam – vital information in this age of Islamic terrorism." —William Esposito, former Deputy Director of the FBI
"A fascinating look at the driving forces behind radical Islam that provides new insight on how to confront its growing threat around the world today.” —Senator John McCain "This is a riveting and informative work. Dr. Hamid's understanding of how psychological indoctrination creates a radical Islamist is exceedingly useful. He clearly spells out his own indoctrination and focuses on what might undo just such indoctrination." —Dr. Phyllis Chesler, Emerita Professor of Psychology, author of 15 books, including The New Anti-Semitism and An American Bride in Kabul "Inside Jihad is a must-read!" —Dr. Zudhi Jasser, founder and president, American Islamic Forum for Democracy and author of A Battle for the Soul of Islam: An American Muslim Patriot's Fight to Save His Faith
"A well-written and highly practical guide to understanding and countering radical Islam. It not only defines the threat posed to free society but also contains a compelling, firsthand view of the radicalization process. Dr. Hamid’s unique background bolsters the credibility of his insight into the problem and his strategy for a solution." —Glen Roberts, Editor, TheReligionofPeace.com
"[Inside Jihad] is a welcome and honest take on the Islamist menace afflicting the world today." —Robert Spencer, director of Jihad Watch and best-selling author of 15 books on Islam "Without hesitation, I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the mind and motives of the jihadist terrorist. Dr. Hamid has done a great service to all persons interested in protecting civilization from barbarism." —U.S. Representative Jeff Fortenberry "Dr. Hamid's book ought to be read by anyone interested in fighting terrorism. It is timely and insightful." —Former U.S. Representative Frank R. Wolf "[Tawfik] Hamid is a great scholar whose knowledge of terrorism is extremely valuable. There is no doubt about his first-hand experience and depth of knowledge. He is truly a treasure." —Lt. Gen. Claude M. "Mick" Kicklighter, U.S. Army (retired) "Everyone in the world affected by the threat of radical Islam needs to read Dr. Hamid’s book Inside Jihad to understand the dynamics of this dangerous ideology.” —Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely, U.S. Army (retired) "Buy this book. Read this book. Refer to this book. Share this book ... I've read and reviewed counter-jihad classics by bestselling experts [but if] someone said to me, 'I want to read just one book about jihad,' I'd give that reader Dr. Hamid's book." —Danusha Goska, Frontpage Mag "Anyone concerned about the proliferation of radical Islam must read this amazing book. Inside Jihad not only provides a genuinely comprehensive and historical understanding of how the West has allowed radical Islam to flourish, but more important it also outlines how to defeat it. Dr. Hamid should know better than anyone else. A former member of an Egyptian Islamic terrorist group that eventually merged with al-Qaeda, he made an extraordinarily courageous and unprecedented decision to denounce the terrorist organization once he saw the reality of the horrors of jihad. Long before 9/11, he became one of the world’s experts on the true dangers of radical Islam. Dr. Hamid has made it his life's mission to reform Islam by trying to deprogram jihadists from their world of hate and death. He understands Islam in ways that will mesmerize you. Don’t wait. Read this book now." —Steven Emerson, Executive Director, The Investigative Project on Terrorism "Inside Jihad is a vital contribution. Anyone who cherishes freedom, faith and family will benefit from engaging its pages ... I urge all concerned with how to overcome the threat of radical Islam to give [it] a well-deserved read." —Thomas P. McDevitt, Chairman, The Washington Times "Dr. Tawfik Hamid’s book is most timely for [anyone] awakening to the violence and terrorism perpetrated by Islamists since 9/11; to read and come to grips with the jihadist mentality. As we should have learned by now, counterterrorism efforts by law-enforcement agencies and the military have their limits. Worse, a full-scale war against Islam and Muslims is exactly what al-Qaeda and ISIS and their ilk want, a war that turns civilizational between the West and Islam, fulfilling the apocalyptic, end-of-the-world scenario they embrace. What urgently needs to be understood is the theological underpinning of Islamism so it can be discredited as a perversion of Islam. Dr. Hamid has performed a great service by deconstructing this theology and showing how Islamists have selectively twisted the meaning of the Quran to justify their hatred of infidels – Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, non-believers and agnostics – as well as Muslims who reject their jihadism. He has shown how the Islamist quest for a Sharia-based society is driven by the psychology of nihilism and a violent rejection of the modern world. Containing and effectively nullifying Islamist theology will be this century’s greatest challenge, for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and Inside Jihad can fortify anyone who commits to this daunting task." —Dr. Salim Mansur, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Western Ontario
"It is not easy to speak the truth. I have paid a high price for doing so, but I have never felt alone. Dr. Tawfik Hamid is one of the few who has inspired me since I started. He stands as solid as an oak tree, to face an ugly ideology that has destroyed its followers and is destroying the whole world today. Dr. Hamid is a brave and an honest man whom I feel honored and privileged to befriend. I salute and wish him the best!" —Dr. Wafa Sultan, author of A God Who Hates
"Dr. Tawfik Hamid has a compelling personal story. He’s had a front-row seat to radical Islam and has firsthand knowledge of the dangers posed by the growing global jihad movement. His is a voice that must be heard." —Van D. Hipp, Jr., Chairman, American Defense International, Inc.
"Mandatory reading for everyone who wants to understand the reality of the threats the world faces. You must know your enemy to defeat your enemy, and Dr. Hamid knows the enemy as only a former jihadist could know." —David G. Major, retired FBI executive, founder of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies
"Dr. Hamid ... has stood up fearlessly to the tsunami of Islamic extremism to share his tolerant vision of the immediate need for Islam’s reformation – to truly become a religion of peace. He has risked himself and his family to fanatic, horrific violence for this “crime.” If there is to be hope for a beginning to a better world, and for future generations to be spared endless religious war with massive casualties, then Dr. Hamid is the answer – the personification, the embodiment – of that hope. Should we ignore him, and others like him , and not support their message to the fullest extent, then we shall reap the whirlwind. I am eminently proud, and greatly honored, to call this man my friend. I am grateful to, and blessed by, the Good Lord to think of him as my brother." —Dr. Robert Katz, Executive Director, The Intelligence Summit SM
"Dr. Tawfik Hamid understands the jihadist mind because it was once his mind. He knows the way in and the way out. This makes his analysis indispensable in terms of its depth of spiritual insight. Anyone interested in countering this demented religious ideology should read this book."—Robert R. Reilly, author of The Closing of the Muslim Mind
"Inside Jihad is a must-read for anyone seeking to better understand radical Islam, the reasons why this malignancy has found a fertile environment within the Muslim world, and the failures of the West in crafting an effective counter-narrative." —Dr. Paul Coyer, International Institute of Strategic Studies and The Institute of World Politics, writing in Providence magazine.
"A very important book that draws on [Dr. Hamid's] experiences with jihad in his native Egypt." —Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio
For more about Dr. Tawfik Hamid, please visit his website. Or read Dr. Hamid's regular commentaries on fighting radical Islam.
Introducing Jessie Thorpe's haunting literary novel -- destined to become a classic |
Available in quality paperback, in hardcover and as an ebook -- and coming soon as a downloadable audio narration
We first meet Brooke Roper, a beautiful American woman, as she gazes from her apartment balcony at the Italian sky above and the bustling street of Milan below. But her calmness disguises her severe inner turmoil. Brooke feels a growing panic about her station in life and her marriage to Bolton (“Tony”) Roper, ostensibly an American businessman who is actually an undercover CIA operative. It is the summer of 1988, and the Cold War is winding down. But Milan remains a hotbed of Soviet agents, and Tony seems deeply involved in an increasingly dangerous situation. The plot unfolds via Brooke’s recollections of that incident, of her interactions with her two visiting sisters—the oblivious Christina, with whom she shares several adventures in the villages and towns along the Amalfi Coast, in Naples, and in Pompeii; and the imperious Fleur, who startles Brooke into revealing the deepest secret of her marriage—and of her fierce, almost obsessive devotion to her husband, which leads her to the two most fateful and drastic decisions of her life. Bolton Roper is an intensely romantic, deeply haunting journey, both physical and emotional, amid the unique people and lush locations of Italy, within the banal suburbs of Washington, D.C., and at the family home within the bucolic landscape of a small Michigan town. Always vividly and arrestingly recounted, Brooke’s reverie is the unforgettable story of the wife of a spy.
Praise for Bolton Roper
“Bolton Roper" is ... extraordinary and unreservedly recommended
"A deftly crafted novel by an author with a genuine flair for originality and the kind of narrative driven storytelling style that will keep the reader's fully engaged attention from first page to last."
--Midwest Book Review
“A sure sign of a profound work, Bolton Roper shaped my mood for long after I closed the cover…
“Filled with poetic images that tumble, cloud-like, over an undercurrent of foreboding, this novel is not what it appears to be on first view – it is much, much more. Thorpe deftly explores the related themes of secrets and divided loyalties, which test every soul on both the quotidian and grand scale. Touring the labrynthine thought processes of the first-person protagonist, Brooke, made me experience unexpected emotions and wonder at life’s complexities.”
—Melanie Forde, author of Decanted Truths and the Hillwilla trilogy
“With Bolton Roper, Jessie Thorpe has placed herself in an elite circle of genre-bending authors capable of using clear, insightful, often lyrical prose to propel an exciting, yet deeply thought-provoking, espionage mystery…
“Thorpe gives the reader an almost intuitive feeling for place and authenticity. She is also masterful in creating a pervasive sense of foreboding … a powerful sense of momentum and inevitability as Brooke reveals the events that have consumed her. Even as we suspect from the beginning that things will not end well, Thorpe does not disappoint the reader. Indeed, this suspicion does not keep the reader from being surprised at several turns. Or from parsing the complexities that define Brooke—to parse them and see the future Brooke hopes for but will not clearly attain.”
—Richard Samuel Sheres, author of An Imperfect Certainty, Ingersoll, and Keeping Gideon (a San Diego Book Awards finalist)
Melanie Forde's epic tale of an Irish-American family |
Available in quality paperback, in hardcover and as an ebook -- and coming soon in hardcover and as a downloadable audio narration
For Irish immigrant families like the Harrigans and Gavagans, struggle has been the name of the game since they arrived in Boston in the nineteenth century. For twice-orphaned Leah Gavagan, who comes of age in the Depression, the struggle is compounded by bizarre visions that disrupt her daily life -- and sometimes come true. She has difficulty fitting in with her surroundings: whether the lace-curtain Dorchester apartment overseen by her judgmental Aunt Margaret or the wild Manomet bluff shared with her no-nonsense Aunt Theo and brain-damaged Uncle Liam. A death in the family disrupts the tepid life path chosen for Leah and sets her on a journey of discovery. That journey goes back to the misadventures shaping the earlier generation, eager to prove its hard-won American credentials in the Alaskan gold rush, the Spanish-American War, and The Great War. She learns of the secrets that have bound Theo and Margaret together. Ultimately, Leah learns she is not who she thought she was. Her new truth both blinds and dazzles her, much like the Waterford decanter at the center of her oldest dreams -- an artifact linking three Irish-American families stumbling after the American Dream.
Early praise for Decanted Truths:
“With its pitch-perfect evocation of people and places from a bygone era and interesting premise, the novel is a must read for fans of historical fiction … A stunning book that expertly explores the difference between mistakes and sins.” —The Prairies Book Review“The author did a wonderful job with character development … Decanted Truths is perfect for anyone who wants to get invested in a novel full of secrets… A wonderful book to … get sucked into.” —The Book Adventures of Emily, book blogger
“This is a great read … if you like historical stories … The slight paranormal gifts that you see with the family … really make the story even more connected.” —Jessica Bronder, JBronder Book Reviews
“Amazing study of two Irish families as they assimilate into America… The author creates a literary novel of intelligence… It is a unique gift, an unusual examination of people.” —Virginia Williams, Rosepoint Publishing
Now complete: Melanie Forde's enthralling Hillwilla trilogy |
Available in quality paperback, in hardcover and as ebooks -- and coming soon as downloadable audio narrations. All have received rave reviews from enthusiastic readers for the captivating saga of the residents of fictional Seneca County
Beatrice Desmond, 55, lives on a remote farm nestled in a deep hollow in southern West Virginia. Her troubled past—an alcoholic father, growing up borderline poor, a suicidal husband—along with her loyalty to a deceased friend, drove her to this lonely existence. She soldiers on, accompanied by her wry sense of humor, a faithful setter named Ralph, and an inherited herd of six llamas, one of whom hurls a wad of chewed-up hay in her face on New Year’s Day, a most unwelcome omen.
A native of Boston and a graduate of an Ivy League college, Beatrice is a fish out of water in fictional Seneca County. She has constant difficulty dealing with the locals, many of whom she finds interesting but unfathomable. And although she maintains contact with certain friends and family—lively and irreverent Evie, sturdy brother Bart—they remain distant geographically and sometimes emotionally. As a result, and too often, Beatrice retreats into her work as a translator and editor, or into the bottle of Jack Daniel’s she maintains nearby.
Fate finally intervenes, requiring Beatrice to befriend and shelter Clara, an abused teenager, and accept the job of ghostwriting the memoir of her dashing but enigmatic neighbor, Tanner Fordyce. Gradually, Beatrice finds the harsh Appalachian winter of her life easing and signs of a hopeful spring appearing. Her resolute independence and crusty reserve soften, her carefully constructed barriers fall, and her guarded and self-protective nature moderates, as she explores the renewed pleasures of emotional involvement.
At times sad, at times hilarious, and always quirky, Hillwilla, On the Hillwilla Road and Reinventing Hillwilla are life-affirming reads. They celebrate the glories of nature, the resilience of the human spirit, the healing power derived from genuine connections with others, and the potential for reinventing ourselves—at any age. Come, explore their unforgettable world.
Praise for Reinventing Hillwilla... "The well-paced, well-plotted story creates that bond with characters struggling through discordance with others, loneliness, catastrophic illness, coming of age, long-distance romance and the struggles of survival in harsh, bitter winter conditions ... The author has an intelligent, articulate writing style that pops with little glimmers of Irish humor..." —Virginia Williams, Rosepoint Publishing
"A moving exploration of relationships, family dynamics and notions of home ... Forde draws carefully sketched, rich characters and weaves a convincing reality from their intricate emotions." —The Prairies Book Review
"This story wraps up the series beautifully... with a powerful message about living your life, whether the first half or second ... This is one series that should be on everyone's shelves." —Jessica Bronder, JBronder Book Reviews
For On the Hillwilla Road... “A great story and follow up to Hillwilla! I couldn’t wait to read On the Hillwilla Road. Beatrice is still considered an outsider and is trying to find common ground without offending the locals. Clara is trying to find her way and is still so confused. But she is a great kid and you can’t help but encourage her. I really like how Beatrice and Tanner are getting closer; I just wanted to slap both of them at times for being so dense and difficult.” —Jessica Bronder, JBronder Book Reviews "This appealing story ... is replete with vivid descriptive passages ... The drama is related from many views, creating a rich tapestry incorporating setting, events and characters ... On the Hillwill Road is a refreshing and thought-provoking book." —My Merri Way, book blogger
And for Hillwilla: tktk "Melanie Forde has given us a 21st-century Back-to-the-Land novel with a troubled protagonist, but also with a preternaturally responsible English setter, an assurance that the ending will be a happy one.” —Sue Hubbell, A Country Year
"A great, heartwarming story! I loved the scenes; I could feel myself right there in the pages. You can’t help getting sucked into the story and keep reading into the late hours wanting to know what is going to happen next. This is a stand alone book but I could see other adventures for [Beatrice] in the future. I can’t wait to read what Melanie Forde comes up with next." —Jessica Bronder, JBronder Book Reviews
"Forde's writing is insightful, funny, and thought-provoking from start to finish. [Her] poetic delivery of life's spit, sprinkled with the virtues of tolerance, empathy, and humor ... delighted me and gave me pause to reflect. I am not talking sappy, just good writing; writing that connects the reader with the human spirit."
—Charlie Hackbarth, author, Tales of the Trail
"Hillwilla beautifully shows that animals are amazingly human in their love for those they value."
—Ronald Hart, syndicated libertarian humorist
"I had a blast in 'Seneca County,' West-by-God Virginia. These characters read as real." —Dear Author, book blogger
"A beautifully written book with a no-nonsense protagonist ... The story is so well crafted, and Melanie has taken a lot of care in introducing and then building up each and every one of her characters." —The Bookworm Mummy, book blogger
A landmark memoir by a legendary member of the U.S. Intelligence community |
Available in hardcover, as an ebook and as an unabridged downloadable audio narration
"A rare and masterful glimpse into the inner workings of the clandestine service ... But more than that, his story is an account of extraordinary personal courage that sets a standard for those who would call themselves intelligence officers." –Porter Goss, former Director of Central Intelligence
"Arguably the best book I have ever read on the agency ... and I've read practically all of them." –Larry Cosgriff, Maritime Lens
"Blunt and colorful!" –Katharine Whittemore, The Boston Globe
"The stuff of great spy fiction ... a must-read." –David Pitt, Booklist Online
"The memoir of a true patriot ... a fascinating look into the motivations and everyday life of a highly decorated CIA operative ... who gave his life--almost literally--to serve our country in ambiguous and dangerous circumstances that we everyday people cannot truly appreciate." –Gregory Herbert
"Remarkable! Thank you for all the work Mountain Lake Press did in bringing this inspiring CIA Officer's autobiography into print in the manner it long deserved." –Elizabeth Bancroft, Executive Director, Association of Former Intelligence Officers
"Clear and engaging ... Holm corrects the media's portrayal of spying operations as car chases punctuated by martinis shaken-not-stirred and disregard for American laws and values." –André Le Gallo, former senior CIA officer and author of Satan's Spy, The Caliphate and The Red Cell
"A terrific book–required reading! His story magnifies the importance of human intelligence in warfare, and is demonstrable of the valor of our clandestine services." –Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio
"Something worth being grateful for--both the book itself and the actual decades of service detailed in its pages." –Ronnie Rittenberry, Security Products magazine
"A terrific blend of detailed memory, emotional involvement, and fascinating subject matter. Richard Holm put me on his shoulder and walked me through his life, through a variety of cultures in Asia and Europe, and through the twisting corridors of the CIA." –Nelson Antonio Denis
"Well worth reading, not just for the details of the CIA's inner workings but as a chronicle of how one American dealt with adversity to continue serving in the line of work he had, indeed, chosen." –Cmdr. Peter B. Mersky, USN (Ret.), U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
"Thanks for allowing Dick Holm to tell his powerful story of clandestine service to our country. It humbles me to know we have men and women like him and his colleagues keeping us safe at night." –Doc Kirby, WTBF-AM/FM, Troy, Alabama
"An absorbing trip through the mind of a gifted operative who for 35 years did his difficult and sometimes dangerous job to heroic effect ... America was lucky to have him." –Charles McCarry, The Wall Street Journal
Read Howard Altman's interview with Richard Holm in the Tampa Tribune.
Watch our 2-Minute Video on YouTube about The Craft We Chose.
A fascinating, unvarnished glimpse into this glamorous segment of the arts |
Available in hardcover, as an ebook, and as an exquisitely rendered audio narration by the author
"Long's book surprised me by its earthiness and honesty ... He spares no one in his narrative, least of all himself ... [His] tone is downright irreverent, but it's beautifully written and easy to read; even the musical terminology is transparent."--Tom Glenn, Washington Independent Review of Books
"This delightful insider view of the world of opera is much like some of the glimpses we get from rock-and-roll tell-alls. Opera singer Charles Long is a skilled wordsmith, and his narration adds verve and energy to his story. The result is a fun and enlightening listening experience. His elegant foreign accents add authenticity, with his best creation being, of course, himself. Particularly amusing is his colorful and frank description about being a straight guy in a world abounding with gay men. Also, his spirited account of the time he and his boss, an Italian restaurant owner, retreated to a back alley to settle a dispute over a microphone is amusing. Adding to the listening pleasure are gorgeous snippets of opera music."--Audiofilemagazine.com
"Wickedly and delightfully atypical. He knows where the bodies are buried and he spells out locales, proclivities and locations. Long says what people know and dare not spill ... There are delightful scenes ... Buy the book. It's a delight."--Christopher Purdy, Classical 101 WOSU Public Media
"Uncommonly candid and opinionated."--Mark Kanny, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
"Companionably written in a bemused tone. It’s full of stories like the time an aging tenor lost his voice in the middle of Pagliacci, and his “cover” (understudy) tried to sing the role from the pit while the older singer’s wife urged her husband to try to belt it out anyway."--Bill O'Driscoll, Pittsburgh City Paper
"Music fans of all genres will identify with his trials, tribulations, and successes in the scream trade. Any reader who has ever screamed due to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune will take heart in knowing that in Charles Long they've found a fellow traveler."--Chip Etier, Examiner.com
"In the present day there is a dearth of singers of Charles Long’s physical stature and vocal strength for the great Italian baritone roles, particularly in Verdi. This state of affairs has become even more acute over the period since his enforced retirement. One can only regret that his premature departure deprived him and opera lovers of the benefit of many more of his stage performances. [His] book can be gainfully read by opera-lovers and would-be singers alike. It is well written and contains much wisdom along with the anecdotes and stories."--Robert J. Farr, MusicWeb International
"A revealing account of what might be called the engine-room of opera performance, with a no less interesting confessional of his often bumpy relationships and the health problems that led to his regrettably early retirement after some glorious years sharing the stage, on evidently equal terms, with many of the greatest singers of our time."--Bernard Jacobson, independent music critic, Seattle, Washington
Watch our brief YouTube video about Adventures in the Scream Trade.
André Le Gallo's complete Steve Church trilogy |
André Le Gallo passed away March 5, 2017, after a long illness. We will continue to offer his three gripping counterterror novels in hardcover, as quality paperbacks and as ebooks -- and soon as downloadable audio narrations
"Few [former intelligence officers] are able to write espionage stories that are realitistic, clever, and entertaining. Le Gallo is one of those few and has done it again with The Red Cell." --The Intelligencer
"André Le Gallo [has done] it again! [The Red Cell] is the third in a trilogy of action-packed, 'round-the-world adventure. The real James Bond would only wish to have Le Gallo's real-life experiences. I know André, and he is the real deal; grace, guts and gallantry--a true American hero!" --Dr. Barry Austin Goodfield, International Criminal Profiler
"I cannot think of any more crucial topic and anyone more qualified to discuss the Iranian situation than Mr. André Le Gallo, who witnessed the Iranian revolution firsthand and [observed] how the radical Islamists took the government apart. Will Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and others follow?” --Farhad Mansourian, former military intelligence officer, Iranian Army
Luke Bencie's indispensable guides for business travelers and security professionals |
Available in hardcover, as an ebook and as a downloadable audio book, Among Enemies is an invaluable guide. And Global Security Consulting, written by someone who has visited an astounding 140 of the world's countries and is a renowned security expert, will help you avoid the pitfalls—both common and uncommon—that can befall anyone looking to do business successfully on the global stage
"Thanks for writing and publishing Among Enemies! My VP discovered it at an airport bookstore and handed off to me. Once in my hands, I couldn’t put it down. Your book has made a great addition to the information protection awareness tools we’ve developed internally. Plus you’ve validated years of what I’ve been telling execs about how to travel more safe and secure." —Bruce D. Cristofferson, CISSP, CISA, CISM, OpSec Officer for a Fortune 500 Telecommunications Company
"A marvelous book! ... The most handy, the most accessible 'how-to' book to be aware of the threats that we're facing." —Frank Gaffney, Secure Freedom Radio
"A must-read if you travel overseas." —William J. Esposito, former Deputy Director of the FBI
"Packed with advice and information ... [Bencie] does not sugarcoat the human weaknesses that cause people to compromise themselves in the worst ways possible ... Electronic threats are covered in detail ... Readers who pay attention could thwart foreign [espionage] efforts and protect vital trade secrets ... Among Enemies is a must-read for international travelers and those who deliver foreign travel briefings and debriefings." —G. Ernest Govea, Security Management magazine
"Great reading for spies and businessmen alike." —Remy Mauduit, former FLN Member, Intelligence Operative, and U.S. Special Forces Counterinsurgency Instructor
"The author really knows [his] stuff ... He covers all aspects of locking down your business information ... I have a new appreciation of the 'leakiness' of my electronic devices ... [An] easy read -- this one is immediately useful." —Reg Nordman, RocketBuilders.com
"Indispensable and authoritative ... for every business traveler engaging in overseas business activities." —Dr. Joshua Sinai, The Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International
"Required reading for the American business traveler." —Jack Lee, Vice President, Florida Satellite Chapter, Association of Former Intelligence Officers
"The most updated account [of] the threats our American business travelers face when abroad with their intellectual property and trade secrets. [He] reveals, despite friend or foe, encrypted or hidden, your sensitive business information is at grave risk; but, this expert shows many ways to significantly reduce your vulnerabilities." —S. Eugene Poteat, President, Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO)
Read Luke Bencie's interview with Jay Campbell of Business Travel News. Or read his article in the Harvard Business Review about the risks of overseas business travel.
To learn more about Luke Bencie and the book, please visit his site, Among-Enemies.com
Available in hardcover and as an ebook, Global Security Consulting has been called, over and over, 'A must-read!’
“Not only a must-read for operating your own business but a testimonial to managing any business with integrity and fairness.” —William J. Esposito, former Deputy Director of the FBI
“A must-read that can save you tons of anxiety, time and money.” —Michael Heimbach, VP of Global Security, ESPN
“A must-read for anyone who calls him/herself a global consultant.” —Peter Davis, original associate, Bain & Company
“A must-read for anyone interested in this lucrative field.” —Gary M. Citrenbaum, President/Chief Scientist, System of Systems Analytics, Inc.
“A must-read for all aspirants to this field and enjoyable reading for anyone interested in how international affairs, foreign policy and good business management are conducted.” —Richard L. Holm, former senior intelligence officer and author of The Craft We Chose: My Life in the CIA
“A must-read for anyone contemplating a profitable career as a Security Consultant and even for those of us who have been doing it for a while.” —David Nicastro, President, Secure Source International LLC
“A must-read if you are serious about building a world-class security consultancy in the 21st century. It is a tell-all from the front lines and is both entertaining and informative. —Vincent Volpi, CEO, PICA Corporation
“Experience is key in this line of business, but you must survive long enough to use what you have learned, and this book is a must-read to study and profit.” —Erik Lawrence, founder of Blackheart International/current owner Vigilant Security Services "Luke Bencie ... offers a plethora of perspectives to help fellow security consultants establish or grow their global security consultancies or assist security professionals who are engaging a consultant." —Jay Martin, Security Management
Three essential, informative, consistently entertaining guides to classic movies |
| |
Coming in 2022! |
Available in hardcover and quality paperback, and as ebooks featuring hundreds -- and hundreds -- of links to movie clips, featurettes and other resources
Phil Berardelli has been in love with movies ever since his first encounter as a little boy thrilled him and then scared the daylights out of him. In the intervening years, including a six-year stint as a TV movie critic, Phil has seen at least 5,000 titles. Here he has put together a list of his 500+ favorites, which he has separated into 50 categories. He has accompanied each one with informative, witty, and often insightful capsule comments along with bits of trivia, formatting descriptions and, where available, links to online trailers, clips and full-length versions. Phil's Favorite 500 encompasses everything Phil has learned in over half a century of moviegoing. The list includes something for everyone – adults, couples, children, teens and families – and covers some of the greatest movies ever made, both in the U.S. and elsewhere, as well as some of the cinema's most entertaining clunkers. Many of his choices – and omissions – may surprise you. But in all cases, Phil makes compelling arguments for sampling these titles. If you do sample them, you might just find yourself adding many of them to your own list of favorites. Sampled, browsed, or read from beginning to end, Phil's Favorite 500 reflects a love of the medium that is contagious, and his descriptions will help you view even the most familiar movies in a new and very entertaining way.
In Phil's 2nd Favorite 500, don't be misled by the name. The new list contains many, many movies that are well worth seeing and full of memorable moments. He encourages you to sample his suggestions and see if you agree that the world of cinema contains a vast bounty of enjoyment for moviegoers of all ages and tastes. As in Phil’s Favorite 500, the new compilation contains, along with sparkling commentary, bits of interesting trivia, some of it unique to Phil’s own experiences as a movie critic. He invites you to discover for yourself the many pleasures of his 2nd Favorite 500.
And in Phil's 3rd Favorite 500 -- coming in 2022 -- Phil will complete his trilogy of favorites and recommended titles, offering the same witty, informative and concise commentaries that have graced his first two installments and have won a growing legion of fans. Watch for it!
Praise for Phil's Favorite 500
"One of the most lavishly expansive and browable books ever published."
--Gary Arnold, former film critic of The Washington Post and The Washington Times
"The essential movie guide!"
"Not only is the book incredibly informative about every important or original film, it is witty and a pleasure to read. And unlike most modern film guides, it distills the history of great movie-making down to the 500 most significant films, movies that anyone who loves movies must see."
--Robert Zimmerman, host of BehindtheBlack.com
Now available in hardcover as well as quality paperbacks, ebooks and beautifully recorded audio books -- and coming soon in hardcover: the complete Safehaven Chronicles by R.A. Comunale, M.D. |
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Likewise available in hardcover, as quality paperbacks, ebooks and beautifully recorded audio narrations: a superb pair of short-story collections by R.A. Comunale, M.D. |
Unforgettable stories about the boy and young man who would grow up to be Dr. Robert Galen |
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And three other recent releases, available in paperback and as ebooks: a guide for good decorating, help for good driving, and a concise military memoir |
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